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Roberto Pinto FlashArt November 1993

VIAFARINI opened the season with a short review of young artists. The first was Maurizio Mercuri with the exhibition Culture & Society -Vita dell'Alleanza. He, reversing the usual terms of the artistic process, started from "finding" the catalogue in the Assurance Alliance monthly magazine. Mercuri exhibited about 300 pictures (simply cut out and stuck on a pasteboard) borrowed from this monthly in an exploitation- research of the graphic imagery (and not only) of a firm monthly with the hierarchy, prizes and typical group photos which in this context acquire a surreal character arising from the fact that the viewer fails to follow the internal logic regulating situations of closed communications like these and perhaps like art itself that, also in this case, shows to be a parasite of situations, but perhaps also a little weak so that it is "parasizited" by the most cynical media.



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