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Daniela Lotta City Council Art Gallery-Faenza (RA) Perspectives of escape 2005

Sergia Avveduti Piero Golia Maurizio Mercuri
...Dedication for the detail and the marginal can be found also in Maurizio Mercuri. His works can be easily defined as epiphanies of the daily experience, recordings of his disposition to contemplate the meaningless, to create paradoxical images, as when he replaces water withe beer in an ordinary garden fountain.Looking at a series of photos shot under a bed of his home (Tema 2001) Mercuri seems to discover a new place, perhaps testimony of a parallel world.Thus the artist invites us to transcend the object itself and to discover its hidden beauty, conveying to us, with his enthusiasm, the emphasis for trifling little things, for those micro-events which, if conveniently isolated, have the merit, instead, of activating unforeseen deviations. A glass vase smashed by hammer blows which, in spite of that, can still stand up thanks to a silicone coat previously spread inside, offers the opportunity to observe the original cracks resulting from the destructive action (Untitled 1995)




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